The most important events of Tasua day

The most important events of Tasua day
Tasua is the ninth day of Muharram. This day, which is of great importance to Shiites and is linked to the night of Ashura, has been full of various and bitter events for the family of Imam Hussain (AS).

According to Moj news agency, the ninth day of Muharram, which is known as Taswa and is linked to the night of Ashura, was the last day that Imam Hussain (a.s.) and his companions understood its night. For this reason, it is very important for Muslims and lovers of Ahl al-Bayt (AS). Shiites also consider this day as attributed to Abbas bin Ali, and they honor this day like Ashura day and mourn in it.

Tasu'a commemorates the martyrdom of al-Abbas bin Ali (a.s.), sacrifice, politeness, bravery, loyalty, and rights, and with the passage of more than 1,300 years, history is still clear of his dignity and his name is associated with loyalty, politeness, and masculinity.

That self-sacrificing general stepped into the Euphrates with thirsty lips and a burnt liver, but his bravery and loyalty did not allow him to drink water and the Imam, the Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.) and the children were thirsty. Thirsty lips came out of the Euphrates to bring water to the children.

He did not drink from the water himself and made the Euphrates thirsty on his lips and returned and the thirsty hand of the Euphrates never reached Abbas's lap again. Where can this sacrifice be found and can all this sacrifice fit into words and be expressed with words?

Abu al-Fazl's hands became the pen, and these hands became knowledge for the free people of the world, and Abbas became an unparalleled teacher of masculinity and masculinity in history.

On this important day, several fateful events took place in the land of Karbala, which we mention:

Shamar's arrival in Karbala
Shammar bin Dhi al-Jawshan, who was ahead of others in his hostility to Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.) and was present with special fervor in the incident of Karbala, delivered a strong letter of Allah's voice to Ubaydullah on the ninth day of the month of Muharram, and sent him to Umar bin Sa'd. Manzoor Obaidullah inform.

Saad's son, who was optimistic about peace with Imam Hussain (a.s.) and had made a lot of efforts in this way, suddenly faced Obaidullah's letter and found no way to escape. Against his will, he either had to fight with Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) or he would have lost his command and he would have been deprived of the government forever.

It was difficult for him to accept either of these two ways, but the love of leadership and selfishness had overcome him so much that regardless of the resurrection and the religious and social status of Imam Hussein (a.s.) and his closeness to the Prophet (s.a.w.), He chose the first way and with the intention of martyring Imam Hussain (AS), but after that, he repented and asked for forgiveness in front of his grandfather Muhammad Mustafa (AS). But if he loses the government of Ray, he will never reach it. Therefore, he organized his troops and prepared them to attack

Aman letter for Abul Fazl al-Abbas, peace be upon him
Shamar, who was the commander of the infantry of Umar bin Saad and one of the key elements of the Karbala event, on the evening of Tasua, a letter of protection from Umar bin Saad for the four sons of Rashid and the brave Umm al-Binin, peace be upon him, i.e. Abbas, Abdullah, Jafar and Uthman, one of the brothers. He brought the father of Imam Hussein (AS) to separate them from the God-seeking and truth-seeking army of Imam Hussein (AS).

Umm al-Binin, the wife of Hazrat Ali (AS), had four brave and devoted children, all of whom were present in Karbala under their brother and imam, Hazrat Aba Abdullah Al-Hussein (AS)

Hazrat Abbas (pbuh), who is the eldest among them, had a well-deserved reputation. He was known as "Qamar Bani Hashem" because of his beautiful beauty, balanced stature, bravery, zeal and unparalleled courage.

Umm al-Binin was from the tribe of Bani Kalab, which Shammar bin Dhi al-Jawshan also belonged to. Therefore, in the evening of Tasua, he came near the tent of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and shouted loudly: "Where are my nieces?"

Imam Hussain (a.s.) who knew the meaning of the number, said to his brothers: Give the answer to the number. Although he is a transgressor, he is related to you.

Hazrat Abbas, peace be upon him, along with his three brothers, appeared before Shamar and asked him: What is your need? Shamar said: You are my nieces. Know that the flames of war will flare up in another hour and none of the companions of Hussain bin Ali (peace be upon him) will survive. I brought you a letter of trust from Omar bin Saad. You are safe from this hour, provided that you stop helping your brother Hussain (peace be upon him) and leave his troops

Hazrat Abbas, peace be upon him, who was a center of loyalty and a mine of jealousy, called out to him: May your hands be cut off and God's curse be upon you and your letter of aman. O enemy of God, you order us to stop being the companions of our brother and master Hussein, peace be upon him, and obey the cursed and their impure children. Do you grant us protection, but there is no protection for the son of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace?

Shamar was angry at the tooth-breaking response of Umm al-Binin's children and returned to his tent. It has also been narrated: Among the troops of Umar bin Saad, there was a person named (Abdullah bin Abi Mahal bin Hizam) who was the nephew of Umm al-Binin, peace be upon him. When he got the news that his cousins ​​(Abbas, Abdullah, Jafar, Othman) were among the troops of Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, he got a letter of trust from Umar bin Saad and sent it to them through his slave (Kuzman). . He called the children of Umm al-Binin, peace be upon him, and informed them of the aman letter of their cousin's son. Hazrat Abbas (pbuh) and his brothers said to him: Greet our cousin and tell him that we do not need your letter of protection. God's safety is better than your safety

General attack order
Omar bin Saad, after receiving Obaidullah bin Ziyad's letter, felt that if he hesitates in the fight against Imam Hussain (a.s.), he will lose his position and Shamar will take his place in command of the army. Therefore, in the era of Tasua, without any prior warning, he issued the order for a general attack on the tents of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him).

By saying "Ya Khil Allah, Arkabi wa Baljannah Abshri", he tried to make his actions appear justified and to strengthen the shaky spirits of his troops, so that in the battle with the son of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, he would not get confused and weak. be scattered The army of infidelity led by Umar bin Saad, moved in unison and rushed towards the tents of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him)

At this time, Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) saw a huge number of enemy troops in front of his tents.

The Prophet immediately called for his brother Abbas Yen Ali (peace be upon him) and sent him along with twenty of his devoted companions such as Zuhair bin Qain and Habib bin Mazaher to the enemy army to meet Umar bin Saad and find out the cause of the fruitless arson. Ask them. Hazrat Abbas, peace be upon him, along with the companions of Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, approached the enemy troops and asked their leaders

What do you mean by this inappropriate movement and riots? They answered: A command has come from Amir Ubaidullah bin Ziyad that we must present to you, and that is to either obey him and pledge allegiance to him, or be ready for a decisive battle!

Hazrat Abbas (peace be upon him) said: So think for a while so that I can convey this report to my lord Hussain (peace be upon him)

Hazrat Abbas, peace be upon him, delivered the enemy's message to Imam peace be upon him. Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) said to him: Go to them and ask them to wait for tonight and leave the battle to tomorrow. Because I would like to pray a little more on the last night of my life and God knows how much I am interested in the secret and need with Him and praying in His door

Hazrat Abbas (peace be upon him) again conveyed the message of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) to the enemy. Umar bin Saad, who was suspected of being lenient and saw Shammar as his rival, refused the request of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) and said: There is no more time for Hussain!

But some of the army commanders, including Qays bin Ash'ath and Omar bin Hajjaj, protested against him and said: If the army of infidelity and polytheism asked us for a respite, we would not have hesitated, but we would have hesitated to give a respite to the son of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. ? You need to give him a break. Omar bin Saad inevitably accepted the request of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) and sent a message that I have given you one night's respite, but tomorrow morning if you do not obey the emir's order, we will leave the decision to the sword. At this time, relative peace reigned and both armies returned to their tents and waited for the next day to arrive

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