Persian Gulf National Day

In 2004, the Iranian government named the 10th of May as the national day of the Pars Sea, which is the anniversary of the expulsion of the Portuguese from the Strait of Hormuz and the Pars Sea with the wisdom of Imam Qoli Khan, the governor of Fars during the Safavid era.

Background of the subject
According to the book of documents on the name of the Persian Gulf, an ancient and eternal legacy, until 1958, the continuous use of the name of the Persian Gulf in any language and culture in the world was not challenged until, due to the rise of Arab nationalism, the Arab League banned the name of the Persian Gulf from 1964 for Arab speakers. did In Iran, the mass media remained almost silent on this matter until 2001, and the press was not willing to publish researches defending the name of the Persian Gulf. What was published was a few volumes of atlases and two volumes of books in a very small circulation, which ranged from a few libraries and The university professor did not go further. However, since 2001, with the advent of Persian websites and blogs, the group media was out of monopoly and the situation changed, and the first blogs and researches were published in defense of the name of the Persian Gulf, a wave was created that the official circles were forced to follow this wave.

Since the beginning of the 1370s, when satellite televisions became common in the country, the knowledgeable part of the cultural society and those working on social and cultural issues realized that Arab news televisions and mass media of Arab countries, even in non-Arabic and especially English sections, distort the name of the Persian Gulf widely. Considering the authenticity and continuous historical use of this name in all languages ​​and times, and in order to confront the distorters and remind the importance of protecting this ancient name, the supporters of this precious heritage made their actions more integrated and coherent in defending it since 1380. And the solutions to protect the name of the Persian Gulf were brought to the notice of the authorities in numerous meetings and seminars. After distorting the name of the Persian Gulf in the world-famous atlas called National Geographic, which has always used the name of the Persian Gulf since its establishment in 1888, for the first time in the new edition in November 2003, a new name was added next to the international name of the Persian Gulf. There was public anger and protest among social and cultural activists inside and outside the country regarding this non-scientific distortion, and after sending thousands of e-mails and letters of protest and an online petition with more than 120 thousand signatures to the said institute, the director of the famous institute While apologizing to the Iranian nation, the American promised to make amends for his mistake. This victory showed that great things can be done with unity and prevent the destruction and falsification of the identity of a great nation. The Arab mass media, unprecedentedly, reflected the news without commentary, but some mockingly and some with a kind of respect for the work. Quds al-Arabi, written by Abdulbari Atwan, the famous commentator of the Arab world, wrote:

"The Arabs are not able to create such a wave of solidarity for their most legitimate rights that the Iranians did for a name".
At the same time, Ali Larijani announced in a press interview that the Iranian nation is expected to show the same solidarity that they showed regarding the distortion of the name of the Persian Gulf regarding the inalienable nuclear right.
Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya TV and other Arab and sometimes Western media also presented interviews and commentaries regarding the general anger of the Iranian society and National Geographic's apology.
After these developments, one of the actions of the then government was to agree to add the national day of the Persian Gulf to the official calendar of the country in order to protect the cultural and spiritual heritage of the Persian Gulf.

Practical measures for naming
Persian Gulf Street in Cairo
The naming of the national day of the Persian Gulf was a process of several years. According to the review of the documents related to the naming of the Persian Gulf Day and the correspondence of the relevant case in the presidency and the three departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (legal, Persian Gulf and documents) and according to the certificate of the expert committee on nomenclature and unification of geographical names of Iran, as well as the book of documents on the name of the Persian Gulf, an ancient heritage and Javadan and Dr. Mohammad Ajam in an IRNA interview and an Iran Radio interview with two researchers who are members of the Persian Gulf Committee. The government of Iran, after observing the strong will of the society and the general protest movement of November 2003 by the Persian media and people and bloggers inside and outside against the National Geography magazine and criticizing the silence of the official authorities, entered the arena and took measures. Among other things, after numerous meetings to review the positive and negative side effects, these names were finally agreed upon.

On November 26, 2003, Mr. Abtahi, the legal deputy of the president, admitted in response to the wave of protests by Persian Gulf websites and bloggers regarding the silence of official institutions regarding National Geographic:
"The first sensitivities were on blogs. The new wave of Iran-friendly sensitivity in blogs is a new honor for bloggers.
In fact, the ideas of the need to defend the name of the Persian Gulf and practical solutions regarding the name of the Persian Gulf had been discussed in small academic circles for a long time, and in 2013, in Hamshahri newspaper and its online website, under the title of Iranian Gulf, in the rejection of Al-Ahram's article (by Hammett Jamal Abdul Nasser, the Persian Gulf became the Arabian Gulf) was raised.

And then the same material was presented in the meeting of the Unification of Geographical Names Committee and also in the second National Geomatics Conference of Iran in May 2002 in a speech titled "Ancient Geographical Names of Humanity's Heritage" and then it was reflected on the online Question Golf website and also in the first international cartography conference of the Persian Gulf of the century. 16-18 at the University of Tehran on May 3, 2013 with the presence of prominent Iranian and foreign professors of geography including Dr. Mohammad Hasanganji. Again, in the first conference on the unification of geographical names of West Asia in the Mapping Organization of the country in May 2013, letters were also received to inform the relevant officials. The responsible institutions, including the Tehran Municipality, were sent to name one of the highways with the name of the Persian Gulf and met and discussed with its social unit in this regard. It approved a regulation and resolution in 6 paragraphs for the necessity of guarding and monitoring the correct use of the Persian Gulf name and its identity. The general voting of the fans was called the Persian Gulf. The majority of the voters voted for the following items in order:

On the 9th of Azar, three islands were returned to the name of Iran.
- Oil Nationalization Day on March 29. (The first proposal was presented, but it was met with arguments, arguments and opposition from the members; therefore, the fans proposed a third opinion this day.
- The day the Portuguese were expelled from the Persian Gulf by the Iranian army, the third proposal also had supporters and opponents.
The voting result was published online on 10 September 2013 and then by the Board of Directors of the Persian Gulf Organization in a letter on 3rd February 2013, it was officially sent to the then President and the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, and to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Iranian Embassy in New York, and later on in Shargh newspaper on March 14, 2013. and various websites were published. The principle of the naming issue was agreed upon by the responsible authorities based on determining the exact day of the expulsion of the Portuguese. Finally, after many follow-ups, in July 2004, the Council of Public Culture, based on the opinion of the History Department of Tehran University, introduced May 10 as the exact date of Portugal's expulsion. Therefore, in the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, chaired by the then President and all the members, in the 565th meeting dated 4/21/84, at the suggestion of the Public Culture Council, the name of the anniversary of the expulsion of the Portuguese from the Persian Gulf was approved as the National Day of the Persian Gulf. This day was approved and announced for implementation, and in this way, the 10th of May, which is the anniversary of the expulsion of the Portuguese from the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf, and the expulsion of colonialism and the return of Iran's full sovereignty over the Persian Gulf, was named as the National Day of the Persian Gulf and in Iran's solar calendar Receipt registration. [16] In the Persian Gulf file and the existing minutes of 2013, there are three correspondences related to the naming of the National Day, which were seen and annotated by the Vice President, the directors of the presidential office and the foreign minister's office, and the directors of the Persian Gulf and legal affairs:

November 2003 letter from the director general of the Organization for the Development and Modernization of Industries of Iran and attached to the three volumes of the book "Persian Gulf, a name older than history and cultural heritage", which the publisher has 250 volumes of which for the members of the Islamic Council and cabinet ministers, containing solutions to protect the name Persian Gulf and including the suggestion of naming Persian Gulf Day was sent.
The report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the solutions to protect the name of the Persian Gulf, according to the copy of pages 91-92 of the mentioned book and a copy of a critical article in Hamshahri newspaper from 16 to 27 Mehr 1381
Two letters from the official presidency to the letters dated 3 February 2003 of the Persian Gulf Organization's Board of Directors (Gulf Online Question) and for naming the national day of the Persian Gulf and a copy of the same letters from the Iranian representative in New York, according to the request of the Persian Gulf Online Organization.

10 May Conquest of Hormuz and sovereignty over the entire Persian Gulf

The southern coasts of the Persian Gulf of Iran in the official map of the Ottoman government in 1729
On April 21, 1622, the Qashqai clan, led by Imam Qoli Khan, successfully conquered Hormuz (1622) and took back the island from the greatest emperor of the 20th century, and recorded its place in the world in the list of superpowers of the 16th century. The British also left their 4 ships with technical crews at the disposal of Imam Gholi Khan's army.

Albuquerque (Portuguese) believed that any country that has the three points of Malaga-Aden and Hormuz will rule the world trade. The importance of Hormuz It was so much that it had lured the British colonists as well. Due to the complaints of Iranians in Gambron about the rudeness of the Portuguese, the Iranian army planned to punish the Portuguese in the Persian Gulf and not only freed the island of Hormuz, but also led to the Portuguese retreating to Mombasa in Kenya. And this defeat followed the successive defeats of Portugal in East Africa, and with the support of the kings of Iran, Imam Muscat managed to capture the huge fortress of Mombasa in the bloody war known as the Mombasa Crusade. Until 1820, Iran became the flag bearer of the entire Persian Gulf, the Sea of ​​Oman and the Persian Sea (Makran). The British were happy with the defeat of Portugal, they recognized the power of Iran and considered Iran to be the only powerful rival of the Ottomans. In the General Agreement of 1809 and the Detailed Agreement of 1812, Iran's sovereignty over the entire Persian Gulf was recognized, while England was emerging as a world superpower.[17]

It is stated in the book Tarikh Alamarai Abbasi:

Among the conquests (victories) that took place in this blessed year according to Ahudi, Tholtin, and A (1031 lunar month) due to the power of Iqbal Qarin, the guardians of the state, the conquest and conquest of the town of Hormuz is the most difficult.

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