Mashhad Miniature Park

Introducing Mashhad miniature park and similar examples in the country

Mashhad has many amusement parks, one of which is the miniature park. The construction of this park started in 1392 and ended in 1395. The area of ​​this park is about 8 hectares, and a cost of 28 billion Tomans was spent on its construction. This beautiful park is located in the 12th district of Mashhad and is considered the first miniature park in the east of the country.

The reason for naming this park as a miniature park is that attractive replicas of the country's attractions have been built and displayed to the public. As if by entering this park you can see all the beauties of Iran in one place. If you don't travel a lot or don't have the money and time to visit different cities of Iran, we suggest you to visit Mashhad Miniature Park, because you can see at least some of the famous buildings and works in a smaller format. It is not bad to know that Tehran Iranian Art Museum Garden and Kish Iranian Path Garden (in the list of special experiences in Kish) are also active by placing replicas of the attractions of different cities with similar activities in the country. Also, the external example of this attraction is Istanbul Miniature Park.

The replicas designed in this park include: Ferdowsi Mausoleum, Attar Mausoleum, Persepolis, Kandavan Village, Karun Dam, Bam Citadel, Khajo Bridge, Mashhad Railway, Mashhad Airport, Prince Mahan Kerman, etc. All these replicas are exhibited in much smaller samples. In addition to the mentioned, other projects are also under construction.

Mashhad Miniature Garden depicts 58 religious and cultural symbols of Iran. It is interesting that all the models are made with full precision and detail and even include trees and humans. A part of the park is built like a thatched village where domestic animals are kept. The main purpose of building this park was to familiarize the people of Iran and the world more with the unique beauty of Iran.

Qasim Abad Mashhad Miniature Park has been able to collect some of Iran's historical monuments and cultural heritage from all over the country in one place and attract the interest of Iranian and foreign tourists. Also, its green space and pleasant area provide a suitable place for walking and spending time.
The purpose of building a miniature park in Mashhad

Surely, each of us has a role in expanding the culture and introducing the history of Iran to future generations and other lands. This ancient history should not be forgotten. For this reason, we must be diligent in preserving and maintaining ancient works.

Mashhad Miniature Garden was built for the same purpose, so that it can keep alive a view of prominent Iranian works that depict Iranian-Islamic culture and architecture. The purpose of building this park, in addition to familiarizing tourists with Iran, is the expansion and development of green space, tourism boom, educational and research goals, which has worked well and attracted a lot of attention.

Facilities and entertainment of Mashhad Miniature Park

In addition to attractive models, Mashhad Miniature Park also has other entertainments. Among these entertainments, the following can be mentioned:

There is a lake with an area of ​​2095 square meters in the miniature park of Mashhad municipality, which is the habitat of fish and ducks.
 The race track for control cars, the track route is designed in the shape of the map of Iran.
 A special walking path of 1264 square meters has been installed for those who are interested in walking and sports.
 Dedicated playground with an area of ​​408 square meters for playing local games from different cities of the country along with a spectator ramp
 There is a 216 meter long river inside the park which adds to the beauty of the area.
 There is a platform for holding various shows and ceremonies
 Children's playground: The playground is a great help for families who have children with them because it entertains the children in Mashhad's miniature park.
 Sharbat Sera: drinking tea or other cool drinks after visiting and walking in such a big park will be very pleasant. You can order your drink and enjoy it in the pavilions around.
 Train: One of the good features of Mashhad Miniature Park is the presence of a 920-meter long train. Because it is fun and you can even sit for a part of the route without feeling tired.
 Tamasha terrace: a 15-meter-high terrace is located at the entrance of the park, and from it you can see the whole park, or in other words, the whole of Iran at once.
 There are other amenities such as parking, coffee shop, restroom, prayer room, information and arrangements in this garden.

Where is Mashhad Miniature Park?

This park is located in the 12th district of Mashhad, which is an area with good weather and far from the hustle and bustle of the city center.

Address of Mashhad Miniature Park: This park is located on Elahia Blvd., Sajjadieh Blvd., corner of Sajjadieh 26 (Qasimabad neighborhood of Mashhad).
Working hours and entrance fee of Mashhad Miniature Park

Mashhad Miniature Park has long working hours. Regarding the visiting hours of Mashhad Miniature Park, fortunately, this park is open for public visits every day from 8:00 AM to 10:30 PM and you can visit this park with your family whenever you want. The issue that you should consider is that you need to pay a fee and get a ticket to enter this park. The entrance price of Mashhad Miniature Park may change due to inflation, but it will certainly not be a huge cost compared to these facilities. Mashhad Miniature Park ticket price is 10 thousand Tomans per person. As we said before, this park has a parking lot that does not need to be paid separately.

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